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Lucie has reached her first milestone

Lucie has reached 50 servers

Thanks to you guys, Lucie has reached 50 servers and a total of 43892 users (as of writing this). We have gotten a lot of valuable feedback and made changes and future plans based on that. Your enthusiasm for Lucie has convinced us to make these plans ambitious.

Reminder: If there are any changes you don't like or you think are missing, please post them on the forum in our Discord server.

Previous changes

First of all, here is what we have already changed recently based on very valuable feedback from our users:


The detection system used to be quite robust, this has been drastically improved. You have probably encountered a situation where you tried to type something, and Lucie translated it into something meaningless. Don't worry, this should now happen a whole lot less often. If you had disabled the auto-translations for this reason, you could now give it another chance and help us improve it even further. And if there are still some messages that shouldn't be translated but do, you can add it to the new auto-translation blacklist of your server!


We have opened up a Patreon page, to cover the essential costs of Lucie. More info can be found on the Patreon page itself. The more patrons we get, the cooler Lucie will become, as it will enable us to do awesome things.

Future changes

Here are some items on our roadmap:

Website with dashboard

As you can see, Lucie now has a website. This is still in early development, but will be very crucial in the future. It will include a heavily requested dashboard that will let you configure Lucie way more easily and a blog post, which you are viewing right now! In the future, we might also add documentation for Lucie's features, but this is not our priority right now.

Artificial intelligence

With the help of Patreon supporters, we might be able to add AI integrations into Lucie. This includes image generation, text generation and other popular AI features.

Special thanks

Special thanks to @Nyami, @xLumotic, @carlton, @chyves and @Tolgchu for giving Lucie a try in their big servers even though Lucie was still in her very early stages. We appreciate the trust you have put into Lucie by adding her to your servers and the very valuable feedback you have given us.

Edit on May 29, 2023: Before I could even publish this blog post, Lucie has already reached 60 servers. You guys are insane!